Wednesday I hung out with Heather and it was SO fun! We went to so many places, first she took me around to some scenic areas, then we headed to this really cute dutch town called Solvang. We had lunch there, went to the Farmers Market for food for dinner, and went to a Dutch Bakery. Boy it was hard to not have sweets in there! I compromised with a Banana Nut Muffin and it was so good! Then we headed to a Vineyard. There are so many Vineyards in the Santa Barbara/Lompoc area. Its not grape season so it wasn't nearly as pretty as it would have been, but it was still pretty. Then we picked up Shannon after his training and headed to Heather's house to make dinner. Before we started dinner she took us on a walk on a trail behind her house. It started out fun but when she told me there are Mountain Lions I about freaked! She has 2 big dogs that we had with us, but still! Mountain Lions?? In Florida maybe you would run into a Alligator... but nothing like a Mountain Lion. So after I about ran back to the house we had dinner and hung out. It was so nice to catch up and talk. I didn't want to leave! When we got back to the hotel it was so late I didn't want to blog.
The next morning was the last day of training for Shannon. He was getting off at 12noon so that morning I packed up our stuff and we headed to Santa Barbara. Shannon's co-worker flew out of Santa Barbara airport Friday morning so we spent the morning in Santa Barbara, then headed to Santa Monica, then we headed to LA. Santa Barbara and Santa Monica by the way is so pretty! I am still amazed at the scenery over there.
Here are some pictures of those 2 days. I will post more later. There is so much to say about vacation, I don't know how I will fit it all in!
A little street in Solvang
Me and Baby John
Heather and John
After dinner
Amazing bread we bought at the Farmers Market
On the road to Santa Barbara from Lompoc