Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Date Night

Last night Shannon and I were able to go out on a date. I know we don't have kids so it seems like every time we go somewhere its a "date night", but last night was great. We laughed and had such a good time. We were also able to talk about finances and different things we normally put off. We originally were going to go to Ikea but we decided to stay around town instead and pick up somethings we have been meaning to get for the house. We went to Lowe's first and got Mums for 2 pots I have out front...

Then we got door knobs for some of the doors in our house. Little did we know that the guest bathroom door didn't lock! And it wasn't until we had a bunch of people over either that we found it out!

And we actually put this together Sunday, but until we redo our kitchen next year we bought a little island for one side of our kitchen to add counter space and storage space... I love it!

Then we headed off to Walmart to do our weekly shopping. I have to really watch my heart here because sometimes I really, really don't like to grocery shop but its something that has to get done. And lately it hasn't been so bad in the way of money either because my friend Lena,her blog here, has been helping me with the whole CVS/Walgreen's coupon thing and I have been able to save a bunch of money and that always makes me happy! Overall I had a great date night with my wonderful husband. I am so grateful for him and I treasure the time I get to spend with him!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Babysitting and Spongebob

Tonight I had fun babysitting. I love being able to watch kids on my free time... I think it does me good since I don't have my own... especially these kids! They are so easy, all I did was hand them sprinkles to decorate cookies and put on sponge bob and they didn't move all night! Here are some pictures...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hey ya’ll,
So I decided to start a blog...
I thought it’s a great way for my friends and family to keep up with my life... if they want! And I know I’m coping everyone else...
I have NEVER been good about the whole journaling/diary thing. I would always start out strong for a couple of weeks then fade off, so I’m really going to try hard to do this!
An update on my life... that’s what I think my first post should be about.
Shannon and I have been married for almost 2 1/2 years. It seems like just yesterday in some ways but in other ways I feel like I have been with him forever!
We just bought a house about a month ago- the scariest thing we have ever done! But it has been great. We have pretty much settled in except for little things around the yard and a couple of expensive things we need to save for. God definitely has blessed us with this house. I’m still amazed when I think about how I don’t deserve all these wonderful things in my life but he gives them to us!
And to all of you out there that are wondering (and I know who you are ;)) we are waiting to have kids for about another year. I know some of you think it could be any day now... nope. :)
And a note to some of you, I know I have mentioned having a House Warming party, but Shannon and I decided that it’s just too much for us right now.
If any of you wants to come by to see the house though, just stop by! Seriously... :)

I will put pictures up soon- our new house and other random shots... I’ve got to figure out how to do it first...
Thanks for reading.